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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How high's the water Mama???

We are currently in a fight with the Missouri River and we are losing.  The river has a major flood stage of 27 feet and we have been over that for a month and will likely be over that for another two months.  Sand and dirt levies are meant to take major flood stage for a few weeks, not months.  The sand boils are appearing hourly and it is a major battle for volunteers to keep them from becoming a major breach.
This picture and the next are of a construction company just east of Wathena in an area which is usually high and dry.  The levy is leaking enough somewhere to completely fill this area which is 2 miles from the river with water.

This is CR165 (Old Highway 36) coming from Elwood.  It has been closed for a week.

Does anybody remember Charlie's old house on the river bank?  It starts to flood at about 23 or 24 feet.  You can just see the roof in the back left of the picture.

Here is a private picnic area near the junction of the middle road and the river road.  The picnic area is in the trees at the top of the photo.

With that in mind, we have ramped up the completion of the motor home pad at the farm.  We find Kent closing up the hole over the septic tank and the leach field.

This is the Kent we are talking about.

Brother Pat and I are doing what we do best, supervising!

Now we are joined by the rest of the Kiefer crew watching (AKA supervising) Kent as he levels the last bit of gravel on the site.
Therefore, with this work completed, we will be moving the ALFA here very soon just in case the Missouri River wins the battle.  It will have to come up a Noah amount to get  to us here.

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