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Sunday, December 4, 2011

Another week at Father's Heart Ranch.

Even though we aren't "officially" here since we are between projects, there is still plenty things to do.  Today we were blessed with a visit from a great MMAPer couple, Rick and Helen Wiebe, who we had the blessing to work with at Shocco Springs lasr March.  They are working a Project a few miles from here and found that we were here when they reviewed our blog.
On one of my daily rounds I found a screen which had been broken and needed a little TLC.

We were given permission to put up the shelves which were seen in a previous blog a couple weeks back.  The boys were pleased to have them and immediately filled them with some of their prized posessions.

Two weeks ago FHR received authorization to open the "Teen" house.  This house had not been used for some time and as soon as the boys moved in and started using the the sink in the kitchen, it plugged.  There was also a couple of breaks in the drain, which was no longer covered with soil.

The first thing to do was to remove the broken piece of drain pipe...

...but noone seemed to know that back a few years they had tagged onto the kitchen water line to place a hose bib another line to another building UNDER the drain line.  I found it as can be seen by the gyser above.

After 4 hours of replacing drain line, repairing water line and running 70 feet of snake through the line twice, the only thing left to do was remove the sink trap and garbage disposal to clear the plug which was inside the house.  At last, the water runneth.

And now winter has arrived in the valley.  The temperature this morning was """"36"""" degrees and the winds (and there was a lot of it) blew a bit of moisture over the San Brenadino peaks and coated the slopes with snow. 
But, Monday, December 5 is the start of the December project month.  We look forward to what the upcoming Christmas Season brings to Father's Heart Ranch.

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