The entrance to the preserve stands in a somewhat lackluster spot along side the road just before you come to the creek.
Of course this sign really "thrilled" Billie as she just "loves" the thought of being in the wild with a few bears.
But we made it safely to the Ranger's station and it was a very lovely spot indeed.
How would you like to come to work here every day?
Looking a bit east of the Ranger's station there are a series of ponds.
WHOA! These are serious brown trout. The Rangers hold a catch and release exhibition every so often for the kids. (Personally I believe that a few of these babies end up being injured too much to throw back and the boys in the little brown house have a feast.)
There are also a half dozen coots swimming around in the ponds and eating the algae growing on the bottom.
At several locations throughout the park there are defaced rocks. Some guy named Walt Whitman scribbled on this one.
There are even trees and camping areas around the station.
Where there is water, there is the beauty of blossoms.
And more...
...even some places where there is no water?
There is such a variety of trees here and just a stone's throw away there are very
high bluffs.
Of course I must include portraits of my favorite flower.
There is a pretty good stream running through the canyon and the water carries so many minerals that it is milky looking.
We are in a strange land! A huge palm next to a cottonwood and a cousin to a sycamore.
Here is another guy to go after.
What seems to be the attraction?
The hills are alive with the sound of "bleating"?
They sure don't seem to realize that there are shear drops of 500 feet and not really anything to eat.
But they seem to be quite at home, especially this beauty and his harem.
I assume that after we all quit looking at them and go home they will come down to the stream and refresh themselves.