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Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wrap-up at SBA for 2011

Besides PT and a few odd jobs around the school, we decided that we should make a visit to the capital city, Pierre, SD. 
Just up river from Pierre is Lake Oahe, one of several dams on the Missouri River.  This view is of the intakes for the power plant.

This is a view of the power plant with it's surge silos and seven turbines.

Later we visited the Capital building.  It is a very beautiful building built in the early 1900's.

This placque sits in front of the Capital as a testament to the Founding Fathers of our nation.

As the building was restored they left the signs of an earlier version of potty.

Notice anything?  It took the members of the early government nearly 25 years of see the one upside down ballister.  When asked why he did it the mason said that it was to remind every one that man's work is always flawed and only God's work is perfect.  Notice also that the flaw was put in the third position to remind us of the Trinity.

A view across the rotunda.  The marble and paintings are wonderful.

This is a view of the house chambers.

And, of course I had to try out the desk in the entry of the governers office.

These are the Supreme court chambers.  Again there is beautiful and meaningful art and the beauty of the wood was retained remarkeably well, even through the upgrade to add computer screens for the Judges.  A little cute sidelight.  When they remodeled to add the computer screens to the panel in front of the judges, inside the panel were several whisky bottles which had been slid down into the panel with the cork down.  They were still partially full.

Outside of the Capital is a lovely lake which is fed buy a 92 degree F mineral spring.  Because of the heated spring, the lake never freezes.

Back at school, there was just one little job that the construction company had requested.  They want to move their construction trailer to a location behind the old gym.  Problem!  No electricity.

Problem solved.  I installed a 50 Amp sub panel from one of the unused breakers on the second floor.

And the construction crew all got a raise today as they started putting the roof on the gymnasium.

Yesterday they studded the front wall of the gym.

The next several pictures are of next years project.  This house was moved in here  recently and will become another staff house.  The house is 60 years old and needs a lot of work as you will be able to see in the next several pictures.  A new furnace has been installed to keep the house minimally heated this winter.  The house will require a lot of sheetrock work, new wiring, new plunbing, a new kitchen and upgraded baths.  That should be enough to keep us busy in 2012.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Bob and Billie,

    Glad to see there is work to bring you back up north next year. We will look forward to seeing you again!

    The Stee's
