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Thursday, August 4, 2011

We've been here a week already?

Time flies when you are having fun.  The weather has cooled and the work has been constant, but so has the joy.  The people here are just one great big family.  They have included us as part of the family, too! 
The rain this spring has been a real problem, causing water damage in several of the buildings and the constant humidity since has made it difficult to finish repairs. Some of the repairs are not in the most convenient spots.  This is the bathroom in the basement of the chapel.  Sheetrock repair is nearly finished.  A coat of paint and we can put it all back together again.

It is now crunch time at school.  The floors have been stripped and waxed but there are still walls, desks and dorms which must be cleaned and sanitized.  Thanks to the willing volunteers, the kitchen facility is beginning to sparkle.

Besides work, there is still time for a few crafts. 

And don't forget dessert night!  Here is a collection of most of the SBA community gathered to enjoy sweet goodies and sweet fellowship.

Of course the growing boys aren't going to get too far from the dessert table.  They need that extra 1000 calories to keep up their energy level.

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