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Friday, August 26, 2011

Our week off?

This week was our "vacation" week.  However, since we are staying here for another month we didn't have much to do so we branched out.
We started the week with a pizza party.  The whole thing started out as a two family pizza meal (one has to keep in mind that the Pizza Hut is 60 miles away) and the next thing you know every one was texting Dori (who was on her way to Huron where the Pizza Hut is located) and giving her their orders for pizza.  Sixteen (yes 16) pizzas, later and a local FOOD signal, and the party was on.

Everyone got in on the party.

That was on Sunday.  The next day orientation started and the students were introduced to their "gratis" jobs.  They don't seem to mind at all as it reduces their overall tuition.  These guys jumped right into the kitchen for their turn.

Whenever I didn't know where Billie was all I had to do was look at the peeling sink in the kitchen.  I think she peeled a train car load of cukes this week!

Of course she is in good company with the rest of the cooks.

Then just for a break we went 5 miles down the road to the Pleasant Valley Church.  It seems they had just remodeled an upstairs room as a study for their new pastor and were looking for someone to tape and mud it.  A refreshing change don't you think?

Of course there had to be a bunch of screw heads sticking out too far so my handy assistant sailed around the room with her taping knife and any screw head that clicked got sunk deeper.

To end the week we attended a football game.  I'm afraid it wasn't much of a game.  The score was 46 zip in the first half, not in our favor.  With the start of the second half the opposing team's second string scored a touchdown and in 9 man football, when one team gets 50 points ahead of the other the game is over.  The beauty of the whole thing was when our teams captain asked the opposing team if they would like to join our team for a prayer they said yes.  As they were all assembling in the middle of the field, out team captain thanked them for coming to play and congratulated them of being a great team.  Isn't the Holy Spirit a wonderful thing!  Amen.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

August project comes to an end!

As the students descend upon Sunshine there are a few things in the classrooms which need attention.   Thursday was the official end of our Sower project month so we will have some time off next week before starting the September project month.
And it is probably a good thing.  Remember the saying, "after 60 it's patch, patch, patch".  It's true.  Please pray that this "trick" knee will recover completely so that I can get back to full swing.

But, that said, there is still the stair in the Mehlhaff house that needs to be strainghened.  I am helping Todd take the stair loose from the house and level it before reattaching it.

Plus, there are still more books to repair.  The books are all paperbacks so they come apart easily.

The ladies did take an evening to meet at Mrs. Stacey's house for fwellowship.

Then it is back to the kitchen.  The athletic students started practice this week and the Korean students have returned as well.  They are all growing teenagers so one of their first thoughts is food.

The new auditorium is showing above ground as the construction company begins hanging steel.

Some of the staff's boys pitched in to help to paint shelves for the library in the elementary building...

and, after repairing the wall we added base cove to the freshly painted walls to dress up the room for Mrs. Donald.
Friday!  We took a little time off for R & R and on our trip to Mitchell we saw several fields of sunflowers.  Wow!  GOD IS SO GOOD!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Final week at Sunshine (for August - Be back for September)

We have had a busy time here at Sunshine.  There are a couple of houses that have been moved in which need work to make them living quarters for the staff members.  Plus, there are last minute things to be done as classes start next week, the staff is here this week and football practice starts today!

Got to get this laundry room done so we can move the washer and dryer out of the big room and into here so the board can meet in the big room Friday.

Now we're getting somewhere.  Boy doesn't that look good.  Well of course I mean the paint!

Whoever decided to make these 135 degree outside corners?  Don't they know there are no tools to do this job? 

There, that rail won't wobble any more for a long time.  All we need now is a little green paint.

Gotta keep that cafeteria floor clean.  Isn't cleanliness next to Godliness?

Laundry is done but now the rest of the basement thinks it needs mud and tape.

Time out!  Someone said there was rolls and coffee in the cafeteria.  This is really a staff break between grueling inservice sessions.

However, last weekend we did take a little time out for another trip to Watertown.  This was the view from our front window when we got up Saturday morning.  Isn't God the greatest designer?

 And of course, the highlight of the church campout, as always is the excursion to Lake Kampeska for the baptisims.  This year there were another seven (7) added to the family.  Awesome!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Birthday Weekend

On Friday we had a few things to wrap up and then it was party time.  (One of us in the Alfa turned 65 but I won't say who.)

After getting everything set up to spray texture the chapel, I had to have a serious conversation with Rich as to where we might find a roll of 2" masking tape.

There were a few doors in the girls dorm to be painted.  Besides the one I mentioned earlier (OOPS), pictured is Jane and Heidi.
Then it was time for a road trip. We loaded into the car on
Saturday and headed out. Only the driver knew where we were headed. As we entered Huron I was asked, "Is this our destination. No! Later we entered De Smet, the same question. No! Later we passed through Henry, SD, and the question was, Are we going to Watertown"? YES!!

At 6:45 PM we pulled into Guadlahara's Mexican Resturant and went inside.  Soon, the friends from our Life Group showed up and the party began.  Clue-the person wearing the sombrero has the birthday.

The table was long enough that I had to shoot it from both ends.

At 9 PM the party broke up and we had to say good bye because we had a 2 1/2 hour drive back to Sunshine.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

We've been here a week already?

Time flies when you are having fun.  The weather has cooled and the work has been constant, but so has the joy.  The people here are just one great big family.  They have included us as part of the family, too! 
The rain this spring has been a real problem, causing water damage in several of the buildings and the constant humidity since has made it difficult to finish repairs. Some of the repairs are not in the most convenient spots.  This is the bathroom in the basement of the chapel.  Sheetrock repair is nearly finished.  A coat of paint and we can put it all back together again.

It is now crunch time at school.  The floors have been stripped and waxed but there are still walls, desks and dorms which must be cleaned and sanitized.  Thanks to the willing volunteers, the kitchen facility is beginning to sparkle.

Besides work, there is still time for a few crafts. 

And don't forget dessert night!  Here is a collection of most of the SBA community gathered to enjoy sweet goodies and sweet fellowship.

Of course the growing boys aren't going to get too far from the dessert table.  They need that extra 1000 calories to keep up their energy level.