I can hardly believe it! We have completed our second week of work at Woodland Acres. The swirl for the week was the GAGA ball court.
We are in the process of building two courts. The first one has plywood sides and is eight sided. When completed it is 20 feet across.
You can see we had plenty of help when it came to putting it together.
And boy do the kids love it. As soon as it was completed it was full of kids. The object is to hit the ball with your hands and propel it into some other kid (below the waist only). When hit one must leave the circle. The last man standing wins!
The second one is to be six sided and needs 10 foot sides, therefore, it will be made of two pieces of 2 x 12 lumber (since 10 foot plywood is scarce and expensive). Well, that means there must be a lot of holes drilled and in a precise manner. So I made a drill fixture (pictured behind my tape measure) and one can clamp it onto the the end of both boards at the same time and drill precisely the same set of holes on every board.
In a matter of 45 minutes all the parts were drilled and ready to assemble.
Of course, while I was building the GAGA courts, Billie wasn't just sitting and eating Bon-Bons. There is always more organizing to do. If you have the large boxes of toilet paper setting out in the middle of the floor, the floor gets very crowded.
But, if they are neatly stacked in a cabinet, there is space galore.The camp also offers a correspondence course for the local inmates. They receive a lesson, fill it out and send it back to the camp where it is graded. They then get the next lesson in the series. God always finds ways to make His word available to others.
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