If you thibk this roof configuration looks funny----well it is.
We have had trouble with this steel roof leaking for quite some time. To get to the bottom of the problem we removed this entire section of roof to see what we could see.
We patched what we suspected was a problem, installed new flashing and re-installed the roof. With a bit of black jack to seal around the edges we believe we have the leak fixed. We did flood the roof with a hose and saw no leak but the real test will come when the next monsoon season hits.
We did take time out to watch the Super Bowl. This is really the next room where the ladies (except for Arlene) spent most of the evening. Arlene was glued to the screen since she was a native of Seattle.
Then it was back to work. We took the old motel sign down last year and after refurbishing it we are ready to put it back up. Don is preparing the pipe for welding.
Then it is time for a paint job and since you all know my love for painting I got the job.
Finally we found a piece of tubing which would fit snug in the main tube and welded it in place.
Since we didn't have any way to pick any of the pieces up we contracted a local sign company to help us.
We also called on Don's good friend Joe to do the welding for us. It was right up his alley as he had welded gas line for years before he retired.
The pole is in place and pretty level. Now it is time for welding again.
In total, Joe welded for the best part of three hours that day.
Now comes the placing of the sign.
Up it goes with the help of another friend, Mike.
The sign in in place and preparations are being made to hoist the arrow into place.
Now we are getting up there!
A little more weld and everything is ready for cleaning and painting.
Why am I the luck one to always get to paint?
For anyone coming to work at Apple Tree, look for the Orchard sign when you pull into town. That is where we hang out.
We did do several other things. Kieth took on the job of repairing the toys for the playground. I believe that there were only 2 of the 12 or 14 pieces of equipment still in working order.
He also replaced rungs in 5 of the 8 chairs in the break room.
Another job was to move the wifi to another location. The original position did not give any service to the apartments at the Orchard. The only real problem with moving it to the house in the center of the compound is that there is no power in that house.
Sooooo. What to do. Borrow a backhoe and trench in power.
We went out to one of the RV sites which is seldom used---
---dug a trench to the house---
Pulled in wire and like magic we have electrical power.
It is now the weekend and this cute couple is preparing to walk around town as twins.
---and in the morning we have some beautiful sunrises over Turtle Mountain.
One evening we made a trip to Las Palomas to see our friend Brad and the new 14 hour old foal.
What a beauty she is---
---but she is having a bit of trouble getting her bowel to work.
So with the help of myself and the mother---
---we gave the little one an enema---
---then did a little work on some tight tendons---
---all the while under the close supervision of mom.
While we were there we also saw a herd of about 9 mule deer. They were in no hurry, just grazing along about a quarter mile from where we were.
All in all we had a great day and soon Kieth and Darleen would be moving to their next project in Arizona.
Of course when the next crew came to town it was just in time for a Valentine dinner together.
We were treated with a creme-brule floating in a bath of water and dry ice. That completed the evening.