At one of the rest stops in Texas we found this great area ---
---and while we were resting we heard the sound which we heard so often when we lived in Nebraska, sandhill cranes flying south for the winter.
Our nest stop was the Santa Rosa Lake and state park. We spent a quiet and restful night at the park and took note of how low the reservoir was.
We spent the evening walking along the shore of the lake and---
---;\looking at the local vegetation.
At last we pulled into the Orchard in T or C. The bugs had made a real mess of the windshield---
---and the rest of the windows could stand a bit of elbow grease as well.
Finally we were all leveled and ready for the project.
One of the distinctive features of the area is Turtle mountain. To me it is a bit of a stretch, but to the locals this is definitely a turtle.
Just after we got there Apple Tree held a Harvest Fest for the local children. The lady leading the charge and pictures here is the CEO of apple Tree. She really gets into the event.
Right behind her is the accountant. That isn't a calculator she has but her I-phone.
Of course there were games to be assembled---
---tickets to bag---
---and popcorn, too.
On a trip to the Elephant Butte reservoir we were surprised at how low it was as well.
When the work began we were introduced to the National Civilian Conservation Corp group who would be helping is demo an old church which had been donated to Apple Tree. The renovated building will be used as a local art center for the kids of the community.
Part of the demolition was to remove this entryway.
We decided to do it with a little flair.
Now that that is done, we must remove the roof and walls.
These young people put their crow bars and hammers into it---
and had a good time while they were at it.
Some preferred the higher road---
---but eventually it all had to come down---
--- and the hole where the entry doors had been had to be closed again.