Meet the new RockinC Director and wife. Pretty nifty sign too!
The sign maker (artiste) is at work. See the stress on his forehead!
Once they are done they really make the spaces look "campy".
Some of the other things we were involved in, rewiring the camp 5th wheel---
---destroying old files---
---rebuilding a John Deere 3 cylinder tractor (1530 I think)---
---making the final tweaks---
---building racks to keep the canoes and kayaks off the ground.
But we did spend some of our time enjoying ourselves at the local attractions. This is the entrance to the Tyler Zoo.
We had lunch at a quaint little spot with the giraffes in the background.
The lioness had new cubs---
---and here are all four of them in one spot.
We visited the buggie exhibit---
---and even fed some of them from a stick.
This little guy was watching the rest of the troupe from a quiet, reserved spot.
Of course we must have longhorns, we are in Texas.
For a while we were beginning to think we were in Louisiana again.
This guy was very large and pacing like a caged tiger.
This beauty was just waiting for the sun to come out so she could curl up and nap.
The open air exhibits were very well done---
---and the penguin handler was just having a lot of fun!
Time to leave the zoo. These guys are about to take a snooze.
Back at camp we wanted to take advantage of the beautiful day and the dogwoods.
The cormorant was taking advantage of the post sticking out of the lake to sun himself after a successful fishing expedition.
The greater blue heron took a little time to catch some sun himself---
---and the lesser blue just watched both of them.
On our walks around the camp the horses would stop to say hi---
---and not to be outdone we have our own longhorn!
The kids love the lake and had a great time going under the bridge.
Another place we visited was the East Texas Oil Museum at Kilgore College. They had a lot of information about the very large oil reserve found under the region.
My "Vanna" posed among the artifacts and made them look pretty good.
Then we went down the street to the Kilgore Girls Museum. What a challenge to be in the middle of all that beauty.
But at the end of the (and the rain) we can still look at the sunset and proclaim "Isn't God a great artist"!