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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Finish at Phoenix and travel to Truth or Consequences, NM

We finished the project at Phoenix Christian with the installation of a little more wiring, a set of security cameras and a welding project.
On a warm, sunny afternoon Billie spent some time repainting some game squares which we never did figure out how they were used.

Then we started mounting and wiring security lights to the 3rd and 4th grade classrooms.

Do you see the deck on the left of the above picture?  That is where all of the wiring had to be run since the attic was all of 2 feet tall and this was the entrance to the wiring space.  There was about 14 inches under the deck and it had rained a week before we did the wiring. Fun!

To connect all of the wiring to the control box we had to pull the wire under the class room and we weren't even going to try to go under there.  With the two of us and a long piece of PVC we were able to drag all of the wires across and pass them through the floor just above where Billie was sitting.

Then we went to the pre-school.  This wiring had to go through the attic and there was one way in.

Again, the space in the attic was too short to get into so again I had to use my capable right hand woman (love the sound) to help me pull the wires all the way to the center of the attic.

Then we got a call that someone had broken into the area behind the church by tearing out a couple of bars in the fence.  You can bet that they won't tear these bars out!

We did have a bit of trouble with the wire feeder on the welder.  Too bad it was a red one instead of blue.

The final project was to extend the gate used by the school busses.  It seems that the bus drivers couldn't get the 8 foot wide bus through a 16 foot gate so we made it 22 feet.
And here we are in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico.  If we would stay here long enough we could harvest the pecans off of the little tree on our site.

Of course, since it was still a week until Christmas we had to, once again, set up our home to prepare for the anniversary of the blessed event.

This is the church we are looking for here.

Since the students are all out for Christmas it is a perfect time to do some wiring in the computer lab.  In fact, that is why we have come here a little early at the request of the Sower coordinator.

But it has been a bit cooler here than it was at Phoenix!  More later.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Ready to start another project in Phoenix

Thanksgiving is over and tomorrow it will be time to start the December project.  Most of our time last month was getting ready (cleaning, painting, putting up signs) for the New Student Open House.
You know how it is when you are working in a building that is "old" and has been "added to" several times.  "I think the wiring goes through this light junction box".  RIGHT!  This job is going to require a trip or two to the attic.

At the end of the project it started raining and didn't quit for 3 days.  (But it never rains in Phoenix).  We never did see what the total was but just outside our house the area suddenly became PC Lake (Phoenix Christian for those a little slower on the uptake).

We did have several guests who were quite pleased with the whole event. 
We must leave and return to the complex through this 20 foot long, 8 foot high gate.  Sometimes Billie uses it for her daily workout.

After the workout it is time to set the table for the Thanksgiving feast.  We are so blessed in this nation with super abundance.

The table is set, including the grilled salmon, and it is time to dig in.
A neat tradition was started at Phoenix Christian in 2006.  All of the graduates are invited to come and participate in a game of touch football the day after Thanksgiving.  These guys played for around five hours.

The day after thanksgiving it is time to set up the decorations to celebrate the birth of our Savior and King Jesus Christ.

Who says there isn't enough room in a motor home for a Christmas tree?

Of course the nose of the house is always the perfect place for a wreath.

This is a very interesting project that is going on here as well.  There is a group of contractors busy installing a whole bunch of solar panels.  When they are complete the school will have a very large car port which doubles as a school lighting project.  There will even be a lot of electricity left over to go back to the city grid.