Of course there is a lot of grass on the school ground but the new mower really helps with it's suspension ride and a cup holder.
It was decided that there should be a real outlet for the sump pump out behind the kitchen rather than running an extension cord through the kitchen window, especially when it is -40 F outside.
The new faucet for the ladies restroom came in and needed to be installed---
---and that pesky door closer behind the kitchen is going to get fixed this time for sure.
The beginning of school also means the beginning of girls volleyball. Here we are at the first game to support the Crusaders.
The new event center is a marvelous building but there isn't sufficient room to store the racks of folding chairs and the new risers. Answer, buy a shipping container, park it out back and run a sidewalk to it.
Of course if one lays out forms the next thing that comes is the 8 yards of concrete---
---and it comes---
---and it comes. This is really hard work. Sure glad we have a great crew of teen age boys to muck around in the mud. I don't think my old legs would take it well.
One project which always seems to be there is recovering text books. But Billie is more than capable of making the best of it.
Unfortunately, the new gym floor has moisture trapped beneath it. The solution, drill holes in the aluminum edge strips to let it breathe. I sure pray that this works as the floor will continue to buckle if the moisture is not removed.
During September we took a weekend to travel to Norfolk, Nebraska to a wedding of a wonderful couple we had met at Camp Barnabas. This great couple, and their lovely daughter, are the ones that are in permanent residence at Barnabas.
Here is the wonderful bride and groom!
One of the meaningful and lovely traditions which the grandpa and grandma of the groom have started is a toast from a special cup. Grandpa takes his turn---
---then it turn for the new bride and groom.
During the setup for the wedding the bride and groom discuss the decorating of the "door" backdrop they were using (and the main reason we were there as we supplied the doors) as the background for their wedding ceremony.
Didn't it just turn out beautiful. God is so good.
The groomsmen---
---and the bride's maids were so beautiful---
---and this talented young man provided all of the music for the wedding. Great day!
On our way home we Gavin's Point Reservoir, one of several on the Missouri River.
On a beautiful evening just before we left SBA there was a wonderful light show in the northern sky. Unfortunately is didn't supply Hand county with any rain---
---but it was another wonderful display of God's great power.
Presently we are again sitting at the farm in Kansas. We have a bit more work to have done on our home and the farm can use a bit more sprucing up. God bless.