We put out our feeder and have seen eight or nine different species there. We have also had a time with raccoons and squirrels.
There have been a number of cardinals and finches here for a handout.
We attended a party in Springfield at the home of this cubic creature. He is very close to 1x1x1.
The Prep students had a great time hunting eggs.
Our new friends, the Masseys joined us for the April project and away we go.
All of the boy's and girl's cabins must be cleaned and inventoried for necessary items.
When the cabins are winterized, the valves are removed from the showers and water lines drained.
There was need of a door in the log cabin to cover the water heater closet and Keith took up the challenge.
A lot of the work hooking up had to be done from the floor---
---and of course the mirrors must be clean.
Between November and April there were a number of large trees cut which had to be moved to the lower area of the camp so they cam be cut and split.
On Friday we had a group of volunteers come to help with the task of cleaning up. These two little girls were excitedly filling the leaf bag their brother was holding.
All of the prep students were there to help out as well.
When the rain began the cleaning of the cafeteria began.
Carolyn took up the challenge of organizing the shelves.
The ice maker needed to be cleaned inside and out.
As I said, we have an issue with squirrels who actually climb the pole to get to the feeder.
Some of the other creatures include an armadillo which we found rooting around one of the cabins.
Of all of the woodpeckers we have seen, this pileated woodpecker has been working the trees around the RV sight.