The week began with a bit of a surprise. Monday started cool and wet and during the day hail fell at the center and piled up around the house.
But the sun came out and the rest of the week was pretty warm.
We did get to do a few other things than paint rooves but they were pretty short lived. The swamp coolers at the men's facility needed to be cleaned and repaired.... a couple of the guys worked on the project.
Meanwhile Howie and myself built a set of shelves in the bathroom and painted the room.
But after that it was back to roof painting. The man on the left is Matt and he is a staff member here while the man on the right is our Canadian brother Howie.
There were times of relaxation. A coffee (or tea in Howie and my case) along with a little fellowship could be shared most days at break.
One night a week we all met around the conference table for a game of Mexican Train or penny rummy.
The ladies tried to keep order in the donation room. Note that this is on the day that we had hail and it was cool out.
We also took time one evening to have a barbeque.
This roof is the roof on the main building. This roof alone is 11,000 square feet.
There was always cleaning to be done in the offices...
...and the cafeteria tables and chairs really needed to be cleaned.
On Thursdays the ladies went over to the distribution center and handed out goods to those who came in.
We will see you here again next month. Till then God bless.