We will be staying here for another project month but the other two couples will be leaving for Tennessee.
Our group leaders. Cornie and Wilma Dykema are headed to eastern TN then back to Vermont and the farm for the summer. Great leaders!
Bob and Patty Carrington are headed to central TN, and if the snow melts in northern PA they too will head home for a short spell. Great workers!
Then there is yours truly. We will be here for another month (I guess we didn't learn enough the first month). Really, this is a great place to work and learn about what we are doing and we relish the extra time here. We just learned that the other couple who was scheduled to be here has had to cancel, so now we will be here by ourselves, alone together!!!
(The view from the back end of our home)
It will be a tough assignment but we will persist!
Shocco administration building.